July 27, 2017

Monthly Press Conference

Today, President Kudo held a monthly press conference in Aomori city and talked about the “status of response to the New Regulatory Requirements” and “JNFL’s response on corrective actions for quality assurance activities”.

Status of Response to the New Regulatory Requirements

Of the 4 activities that were being reviewed, the Uranium Enrichment Plant received activity modification permission from the Nuclear Regulation Authority in May.

JNFL also finished explaining about the Reprocessing Plant, MOX Fuel Fabrication Plant and Vitrified Waste Storage Center in the review meetings held by this March. An amendment to its application for activity modification permission was submitted on May 9, and JNFL is currently responding to issues pointed out by the Secretariat of the Nuclear Regulation Authority in a subsequent hearing.

In regard to the Reprocessing Plant, reorganized result of effectiveness of assessments and concrete responses taken in the event of hydrogen explosion accidents and evaporation to dryness were explained in the review meeting held on June 22.

Among them, it was explained that a condenser will be newly used as equipment for responding to severe accidents. It was requested by the Secretariat of the Nuclear Regulation Authority to organize matters concerning securing of reliability of arrangement of the condenser used to respond to evaporation to dryness, and it is currently being explained in a hearing.

In regard to the MOX Fuel Fabrication Plant, inconsistency in continuity of accident scenarios concerning fire and assumption of situation of an accident as well as consistency between actions of severe accident measures and assumed accident situation were pointed out in a hearing.

Thus, in the review meeting held on July 21, scope of impact of fire based on specific equipment design and plan on reorganizing accident scenarios, including lubricating oil and other sources of fire, scale of fire caused by such sources, nuclear fuel materials affected by fire and situation of cases when such materials are released outside, were explained.

The Secretariat of the Nuclear Regulation Authority has pointed out to go back to basic design to examine severe accident scenarios and response measures based on characteristics of equipment and handled nuclear fuel materials. JNFL plans to explain our stance in the next review meeting.

In regard to the Vitrified Waste Storage Center, a review meeting was held in the afternoon of July 27.

JNFL plans to explain about approach on selecting facilities that need to take tornados, external fires and other external impacts into account into design, which was pointed out in the hearing.

Each facility is working on reflecting such details into the amendment. It is taking time, but it will be submitted as soon as it is ready.

JNFL will be fully committed to reviewing its activities.

JNFL’s Response on Corrective Actions for Quality Assurance Activities

In addition to reform of the Safety and Quality Management Division and the Corporate Audit Office and securing of independency of the Corporate Audit Office, education concerning quality management system and promotion of dialogue activities are being steadily advanced concerning various activities of corrective actions that JNFL has promised.

The “Safety and Quality Reform Committee”, which the President of JNFL is the chair, was held 13 times from March to check the status of corrective actions. The “Safety and Quality Reform Verification Committee”, where external experts are members, was also held to have activities evaluated and receive advices.

Furthermore, “work place climate advisor meeting” was established at the end of June 2017.

In this meeting, external advisors with experience in corporate climate reform give advices from a technical perspective, and it is an activity for promoting good communication and fostering an open and satisfying work place climate. The first meeting will be held in August.

JNFL will continue to muster all its efforts for improvement activities. 

Lastly, revision of operating expenses for reprocessing was determined by the Nuclear Reprocessing Organization of Japan, as everyone is aware.

In response to the New Regulatory Requirements, JNFL will further enhance safety measures and make efforts for business management while proactively taking action such as using local companies.

By not only enhancing safety measure equipment but also repeating trainings that assume various situations in case of emergency, JNFL will strive to thoroughly secure safety and continue to advance its business with utmost priority on safety so that the local community can feel assured.