About Us

Corporate Profile

July 2024


Main Activities and Services
  1. Uranium enrichment
  2. Reprocessing of spent nuclear fuel
  3. Temporary storage of nuclear fuel materials and wastes returned from overseas reprocessing plant
  4. Disposal of low-level radioactive wastes
  5. MOX fuel fabrication
  6. Transportation of uranium, low-level radioactive wastes, and spent fuel, etc.
  7. Other businesses related to above-listed activities
Capital Stock

400 billion yen


10 domestic electric power companies and other domestic 74companies



4-108 Aza Okizuke, Oaza Obuchi, Rokkasho, Kamikita-gun,Aomori Prefecture
TEL : +81 (0) 175 71 2000
(A postal code : 039 3212)

[Aomori Office]

To-o Nippo Shinmachi Building, 2-2-11 Shinmachi, Aomori City, Aomori Prefecture
TEL : +81 (0) 17 773 7171
(A postal code : 030 0801)

[Tokyo Office]

Hibiya Kokusai Building,2-2-3 Uchisaiwai-cho,Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
TEL : +81 (0) 3 6371 5800
(A postal code : 100 0011)

Number of Employees

3,101(as of April 2024)

Management Staff

Updated in July, 2024
Kazuhiro Ikebe
Executive President and CEO, Representative Member of the Board
Naohiro Masuda
Senior Executive Vice President, Representative Member of the Board
Toshikazu Sendo
Senior Executive Vice President, Representative Member of the Board
Kazushi Ogaki
Senior Executive Vice President, Representative Member of the Board
Hideki Numahata
Managing Executive Officer, Member of the Board
Shigeru Tamagoshi
Member of the Board
Masahiro Ueno
Member of the Board
Sadao Kanazawa
Member of the Board
Daisuke Sakai
Member of the Board
Kazuhiro Nabeta
Member of the Board
Wataru Hirata
Member of the Board
Hiroshi Ogawa
Member of the Board
Tatsuo Kitano
Member of the Board
Hisashi Shirai
Member of the Board
Michio Hayashida
Member of the Board
Hirofumi Kenda
Member of the Board
Tomoyuki Yokota
Member of the Board
Hiroshi Tomono
Member of the Board
Takashi Ueno
Standing Corporate Auditor
Shigeru Koshimura
Standing Corporate Auditor
Tomohiko Obayashi
Corporate Auditor
Takashi Otake
Corporate Auditor
Akihiro Kawamura


Executive President and CEO, Representative Member of the Board
Naohiro MASUDA
Place of Birth: Saitama Prefecture
Education: Master of Electrical Engineering, Yokohama National University, March 1982
Career Details:
April 1982 Joined Tokyo Electric Power Company, Inc. (TEPCO)
April 2014 President and Chief Decommissioning Officer of Fukushima Daiichi Decontamination and Decommissioning Engineering Company
April 2018 Executive Vice President of Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings, Inc.
October 2018 Joined Japan Nuclear Fuel Ltd. (JNFL) as Adviser
December 2018 Member of the Board
January 2019 Executive President and CEO, Representative Member of the Board
Up to present
Senior Executive Vice President, Representative Member of the Board
Toshikazu SENDO
Place of Birth: Osaka Prefecture
Education: Master of Nuclear Engineering, Nagoya University, March 1985
Career Details:
April 1985 Joined Kansai Electric Power Company, Inc. (KEPCO)
June 2017 Joined Japan Nuclear Fuel Limited as a Managing Executive Officer, Deputy Head of Corporate Planning Division (Business Management)
June 2018 Senior Managing Executive Officer, Head of Corporate Planning Division, Representative Member of the Board
June 2019 Senior Executive Vice President, Head of Corporate Planning Division and General Administration Division, Deputy Head of Work Style Reform Division, Responsible for Compliance Promotion, Representative Member of the Board
June 2022 Senior Executive Vice President, Responsible for Compliance Promotion and Corporate, Representative Member of the Board
June 2023 Senior Executive Vice President, Responsible for Compliance Promotion and Risk Management Promotion, Representative Member of the Board
Up to Present
Senior Executive Vice President, Representative Member of the Board
Kazushi OGAKI
Place of Birth: Tokyo Metropolis
Career Details:
April 1982 Joined Japan Fuel Service Limited
June 2009 General Manager, Corporate Quality Assurance and Administration Office
June 2016 Executive Officer, Deputy Head of Reprocessing Business Division (Responsible for Technology Management and Operations Management) , General Manager, Quality Assurance Dept., Reprocessing Business Division
June 2021 Managing Executive Officer, Head of Engineering Division, Superintendent of Engineering Center
June 2022 Senior Managing Executive Officer, Responsible for Safety Design of Reprocessing Plant and MOX Fuel Fabrication Plant, Representative Member of the Board
April 2023 Senior Managing Executive Officer, Responsible for Safety Design of Reprocessing Plant and MOX Fuel Fabrication Plant, Responsible for Design and Construction Plans of Reprocessing Plant and MOX Fuel Fabrication Plant, Representative Member of the Board
June 2023 Senior Executive Vice President, Responsible for Corporate Administrations, Responsible for Safety Design of Reprocessing Plant and MOX Fuel Fabrication Plant, Responsible for Design and Construction Plans of Reprocessing Plant and MOX Fuel Fabrication Plant, Representative Member of the Board
Up to Present
Senior Executive Vice President, Representative Member of the Board
Place of Birth: Aomori Prefecture
Education: Bachelor of Laws, Gakushuin University, March 1985
Career Details:
April 1985 Jointed Tohoku Electric Power Company,Inc.
August 2003 Manager of Labor Relations Section, Aomori Branch Office
June 2017 General Manager of Human Capital Department
April 2020 Executive Officer of Business Strategy Department, Power Generation and Sales Company
April 2022 Executive officer, Head of Aomori Branch Office
April 2024 Joined Japan Nuclear Fuel Ltd. (JNFL) as Adviser
June 2024 Senior Executive Vice President, Responsible for Aomori Office, Representative Member of the Board
Up to Present


Updated in July, 2024
  • Term
  • Accounting year

  • 41th
  • March, 2020
  • 42th
  • March, 2021
  • 43th
  • March, 2022
  • 44th
  • March, 2023
  • 45th
  • March, 2024
(Million yen)
197,142 186,747 186,027 190,100 182,803
Ordinary profit
(Million yen)
8,773 4,941 6,354 4,407 2,406
Current net income
(Million yen)
4,240 3,240 4,874 3,127 908
Return on investment applying the equity method
(Million yen)
- - - - -
Capital stock
(Million yen)
400,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 400,000
Aggregate number of issued shares
(1000 stocks)
57,713 57,713 57,713 57,713 57,713
Net assets
(Million yen)
565,122 570,921 577,163 581,857 585,830
Total assets
(Million yen)
2,613,228 2,740,521 2,962,456 3,257,606 3,439,441
Net assets per share
9,791.90 9,892.37 10,000.53 10,081.86 10,150.70
Dividend per share (in that, interim dividend per share)
Current net income per share
71.51 56.15 84.46 54.18 15.73
Diluted net income per share
- - - - -
Capital adequacy ratio
21.6 20.8 19.5 17.9 17.0
Rate of return on equity
0.8 0.6 0.8 0.5 0.2
Dividend payout ratio
- - - - -
Cash flow from operations
(Million yen)
162,048 171,962 277,447 325,504 174,645
Cash flow from investments
(Million yen)
△85,535 △122,069 △263,829 △325,493 △203,504
Cash flow from financial activities
(Million yen)
△95,619 △33,447 △20,005 △17,636 △2,115
Term-end balance of cash and cash equivalents
(Million yen)
359,559 376,004 369,616 351,990 321,015
Number of employees
2,787 2,901 3,002 2,965 2,963


  1. Amount of sales does not include the consumption tax.
  2. JNFL has not created a consolidated financial statement, so the transition of major management indices related to the consolidated fiscal year is not included.
  3. Information regarding the return on investment applying the equity method has been omitted because of associated companies where importance to earnings standards and earned surplus standards is lacking.
  4. Information on diluted net income per share is not included because there are no dilutive shares.
  5. JNFL's shares are not listed, so the price-earnings ratio is not included.

Statements of Income Abstract

Updated in July, 2024

(Unit: one million yen)

Prior business year
(From April 1, 2022
Till March 31, 2023)
Prior business year
(From April 1,2023
Till March 31,2024)
Net sales 190,100 182,803
Total cost of sales 160,333 151,539
Gross profit 29,767 31,264
Selling, general and administrative expenses 21,066 23,345
Operating income 8,701 7,918
Total non-operating income 1,962 1,908
Interest income 1 3
Interest on securities 6 4
Contribution for decommissioning including processing facilities - 477
Company housing rent income 215 260
facilities/institutions rent income 354 309
Fiduciary obligation fee 483 650
Proceeds from miscellaneous income 328 203
Non-operating expenses 6,256 7,420
Interest expenses 3,615 3,663
Guarantee commission 2,077 2,148
Decommissioning asset reversal loss - -
Miscellaneous loss 563 1,608
Ordinary income 4,407 2,406
Total extraordinary losses 557 603
Loss on retirement of noncurrent assets 557 603
Income before income taxes 3,850 1,803
Total income taxes 722 894
Net income 3,127 908

Outline of the Facility

Updated in December, 2022

Location Scale Construction period Construction cost
Reprocessing Plant Iyasakatai, Rokkasho, Kamikita-gun, Aomori Prefecture Maximum processing ability:
800 ton Uranium/year
Spent fuel storage capacity
3,000 ton Uranium
Start of construction: 1993
Completion of construction: The earliest possible time in the first half of FY2024
About 2 trillion 193 billion yen
Vitrified Waste Storage Center Iyasakatai, Rokkasho, Kamikita-gun, Aomori Prefecture Returned waste storage capacity:
Vitrified waste
Start of construction: 1992
Start of operations: 1995
About 125 billion yen
MOX Fuel Fabrication Plant Iyasakatai, Rokkasho, Kamikita-gun, Aomori Prefecture Maximum fabrication ability
130 ton - HM(#1)/year
MOX fuel assemblies for domestic light-water reactors (BWR, PWR)
Start of construction: 2010
Completion of construction: The first half of FY2024
About 390 billion yen
Uranium Enrichment Plant Oishitai, Rokkasho, Kamikita-gun, Aomori Prefecture Operations started with 150 ton SWU/year.
Eventually, 1,500 ton SWU/year
Start of construction: 1988
Start of operations: 1992
About 250 billion yen
Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Center Oishitai, Rokkasho, Kamikita-gun, Aomori Prefecture Authorized capacity: 124,672 m3 (equivalent to 623,360 of 200-liter waste drums)
planned to be expanded to 600,000 m3 (equivalent to 3 million of 200-liter waste drums)
Start of construction: 1990
Start of operations: 1992
About 160 billion yen (#2)

The relationship between the facility name and statutory name (within brackets) is as follows:

#1: HM (Heavy Metals): Unit indicating the mass of the metallic components in Plutonium and Uranium within MOX
#2: Construction cost for about 200,000 cubic meter (equivalent to about one million 200-liter drums) low-level radioactive waste


Updated in February 25, 2016

Year Month Fact
1980 March 1 Japan Nuclear Fuel Service Limited was established.
1984 July 24 The Federation of Electric Power Companies requested the establishment of 3 nuclear fuel cycle facilities in the Mutsuogawara Industrial Park to Aomori prefecture, and Rokkasho village.
1985 March 1 Japan Nuclear Fuel Industry Limited was established.
April 18 Governor of Aomori prefecture and Mayor of Rokkasho village accepted the request of The Federation of Electric Power Companies.
April 18 "The Basic Agreement about Cooperation in the Establishment of Nuclear Fuel Cycle Facilities" was concluded with Aomori prefecture and Rokkasho village.
1987 May 26 Applied licence for the approval to uranium enrichment business.
1988 April 27 Applied licence for the approval to low-level, radioactive waste disposal business.
August 10 Approval was granted on uranium enrichment business.
October 14 Construction of the Uranium Enrichment Plant started.
1989 March 30 Applied licence for the reprocessing business and for the wastes management business.
1990 November 15 Approval was granted on low-level radioactive waste disposal business.
November 30 Construction of the Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Center started.
1991 September 20 ROKKASHO VISITORS CENTER opened.
1992 January 22 Merger agreement was signed between Japan Nuclear Fuel Service Limited and Japan Nuclear Fuel Industry Limited.
March 27 The Uranium Enrichment Plant started operation.
April 3 Approval was granted on waste management business.
May 6 Construction of the High-Level Radioactive Waste Storage Center started.
July 1 Japan Nuclear Fuel Service Limited and Japan Nuclear Fuel Industry Limited merged to create Japan Nuclear Fuel Limited.
December 8 The Low-Level Radioactive Waste Center started operation.
December 24 Approval was granted on reprocessing business.
1993 April 28 Construction of the Reprocessing Plant started.
1995 April 26 The High-Level Radioactive Waste Storage Center started operation.
1999 December 3 Official start of spent fuel receipt and storage.
2000 November 20 JNFL announced to be the main party of the Mox fuel fabrication.
2001 August 24 JNFL requested cooperation for the establishment of MOX Fabrication Plant to Aomori prefecture and Rokkasho village.
2002 November 1 The Chemical Test started at the Reprocessing Plant.
2003 June 1 Headquarters was moved to Rokkasho village from Aomori city.
June 6 JNFL established "J-Tech" a subsidiary company for maintenance of machinery and equipment.
2004 December 21 The Uranium Test was started at the Reprocessing Plant.
2005 April 19 "The Basic Cooperation Agreement for location of MOX Fuel Fabrication Plant" concluded with Aomori prefecture and Rokkasho village.
April 20 Applied licence for the approval to MOX Fuel Fabrication business.
2006 March 29 "The Agreement regarding the assurance of safety and presentation of the environment of the surrounding area relative to the receiving and the storage of spent fuel and the handling of Spent Fuel for Active Test" concluded with Aomori prefecture and Rokkasho village.
March 31 "The Agreement regarding the assurance of safety and presentation of the environment of the surrounding area relative to the receiving and the storage of spent fuel and the handling of Spent Fuel for Active Test" concluded with the adjoining municipalities of Misawa city, Tohoku town, Higashidori village, Yokohama town and Noheji town.
March 31 The Active Test (the final commissioning test) was started at the Reprocessing Plant.
2010 May 13 Approval was granted on MOX Fuel Fabrication business.
October 28 Construction of the MOX Fuel Fabrication Plant started.