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Uranium Enrichment

Natural uranium consists primarily of U-235 and U-238. When neutrons collide with U-235, it emits huge amounts of energy through a fission reaction, whereas U-238 is less fissile than U-235.
Since natural uranium are contains only approximately 0.7% of U-235, isotope separation (uranium enrichment) is needed to increase its content to 3 to 5% to be used as fuel for light water reactors.

JNFL has a plan for the Uranium Enrichment Plant to provide for an maximum capacity of 1,500 ton-SWU/year.

Enrichment methods

The concentration of U-235, with which nuclear fission occurs, is increased from approximately 0.7% to 3-5%. Enrichment methods include the gaseous diffusion process, the laser enrichment method, and the centrifuge process, which JNFL uses.

Feed and Withdrawal Room

Homogenization Room

Uranium enrichment process

Cascade room where centrifuges, linked with each other, are placed

Since a single centrifuge can only increase the enrichment by a slight degree, the process must be repeated by many centrifuges to attain the level of enrichment required for light water reactors. A series of centrifuges —a "Cascade"— is thus linked to produce the necessary level of enrichment.
The maximum enrichment level of uranium 235 at JNFL's Uranium Enrichment Plant is limited to 5%.

Domestic technology developed in Japan

Diagram of a centrifuge

Feeding a gaseous uranium compound, uranium hexafluoride, into a rapidly spinning rotor of a centrifuge separates U-235 and U-238. The heavier isotope, U-238 is pushed outward, while U-235, the lighter isotope, gathers at the center of the rotor. Gas with the higher U-235 concentration is drawn off and sent to another centrifuge. Repeating this process several times produces uranium with increase U-235 content. Using this method, JNFL developed an advanced centrifuge with high efficiency and safety, based on the Japan Atomic Energy Agency’s technology.

Operational Status at Uranium Enrichment Plant

As of December 31, 2024


Current Status

Up to now, total of 1,702 tons of low-enriched uranium were shipped.

Of the 1,050 tSWU/year capacity, the initial introduction section (75 tSWU/year portion) has been updated to the new centrifuges from the original ones since March 2010 at Rokkasho Uranium Enrichment Plant.
The 37.5 tSWU/year portion of the initial introduction section has commenced its commercial production operation on March, 2012.

The half of remaining 37.5 tSWU/year portion has commenced its commercial production operation on May, 2013.

Low-enriched uranium shipping

graph of low-enriched uranium shipping